Ministry of Fitness / Singapore Trampoline Academy
Protocols for COVID-19
Do not attend classes if:
· You have recently travelled to any place outside of Singapore in the last 14 days.
· You are in close contact with someone who has been suspected or confirmed with COVID-19, or who has been issued with a Stay Home Notice by the Ministry of Health.
· You are feeling unwell, having fever (body temperature 37.8 degree centigrade and above), running nose, coughing, or other respiratory symptoms.
· You are issued an Isolation/ Quarantine Order/ Stay Home Notice by the MOH.
· You are quarantined as a suspect case.
· You have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
Anyone who displays symptoms of illness outlined above or suspected to be in one of the conditions above will be refused from attending our classes.
Parents of Junior Participants
Strictly no waiting. Parents must drop off and collect at the designated drop off area. For younger children this will be at the main entrance.
On Arrival to the Ministry of Fitness
1. You must keep your mask on and maintain 1m distancing using the spacing markers provided. Please adhere to the traffic flow throughout.
2. Check-In Via SafeEntry.
3. Temperature Check.
4. Check Into your Class using iPad Kiosk.
5. ClassPass users must complete a studio waiver on their first visit to the venue.
6. Use the hand sanitiser provided.
7. Changing rooms are provided (limited to 2 people at a time) however we recommend sticking to a “Get In, Train & Get Out” philosophy.
8. Instead of using lockers for valuables you will be provided with a box to be placed by your workout space.
9. Please bring with you a fully charged water bottle, cups will not be provided during this time. Water bottles can be purchased if required.
During Classes
1. You may take your mask off while exercising. You must have your mask with you at all times.
2. You will be provided with a bottle of disinfectant and a cloth, please use this to clean all equipment you use during your session.
3. No equipment may be shared during the session.
4. You will be split into groups of 5 each with a specific colour. These groups must not intermingle. Each group has coloured markers on the floor and you must all remain 3m apart at all times.
5. Each individual must remain 3m apart while conducting high intensity exercise and 2m apart while conducting other activities.
After Classes
1. Put your mask on promptly.
2. Clean any equipment you have used before returning it to the collection point.
3. Wash/ Sanitise your hands.
4. Only two people at a time may use the changing facilitates.
5. You must ensure check-out via SafeEntry
What are we doing to protect you
In accordance with:
We have established safe distance measures throughout the facility which follow the sport and fitness activity guidelines. This is for your safety and to limit the potential spread of COVID-19.
Safe Management Officers
We have appointed the following safe management officers (SMO) for the Ministry of Fitness and Singapore Trampoline Academy:
- William Petty (Bootcamp Manager)
- Jessica Hinton (Head Coach)
The SMO roles are:
1. Oversee and ensure the compliance of safe management measures.
2. Ensure of the implementation of the safe management plan including an evacuation plan and contingency protocols.
3. Communicate to all staff members, the safe management plan and procedures and update to any changes.
4. Identify risks and implement measures to mitigate.
5. Conduct inspections in order to ensure compliance and document non-compliance.
6. Maintain records of inspections & checks ready to be made available upon request of a government inspector.
Facility Access
1. We have dedicated entry and exit points and established control of movement within our venue.
2. We have implemented safe-entry/exit.
3. We will provide health declarations and recording of temperatures, to be recorded.
Staff Protocols
All staff will complete safe entry, health declaration, maintain personal hygiene and complete temperature checks twice daily.
Staff will maintain an up to date knowledge of company procedures as dictated by the duty SMO.
Staff will wear a Mask at all times, unless demonstrating physical activities.
Cleaning/ General Hygiene
1. Hand sanitisers will be provided at the entry and exit points as well as hand soap in each changing facility.
2. High touch surfaces will be cleaned every hour.
3. All equipment used during classes will be thoroughly cleaned after use.
4. The facility & changing rooms will be thoroughly cleaned twice daily.
5. We will conduct a full wipe down of the gym at the end of each day.
6. Cleaning practices will be documented and signed off by staff on completion.